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When applying for a mortgage loan, your tri merge credit report plays a major role in determining your qualification and qualifying program and interest rate. The three credit bureau’s used to access your credit details are Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. Each bureau provides you with a FICO score, which is the scoring model used by mortgage lenders. Different reporting agencies such as Credit Karma provide a consumer purpose credit scoring model that differs from mortgage scoring models. The auto industry also uses a different scoring model as well. Once you order your credit report you will have 90 days to fund your loan, otherwise an updated report will be required. The report is used both to obtain accurate mortgage industry FICO scores and to retrieve updated account balances and payment history.

For convenience and client security purposes, National One Financial has created an easy Pull it Yourself ordering system. Please click on the CIC Credit link to the right and complete the order form. If you are applying with a spouse as co-borrower you can also include their information on the form. The cost for the tri-merge report is $48.00 individual or $78.00 joint.  This amount will be credited back to you at loan closing.

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